Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Modern Art?

Buttercup is a creative soul. I have no idea which direction her creativity will venture, but her creations have made me wonder. I've already introduced her dress-up skills to the world, and of course the kid has some interesting ideas for play-doe (other than the usual "snake" or "worm"), and she also spends much of her time building "towers" out of blocks, books, and the like. These are not the things that make me pause and wonder where her future is headed.
Today as I got out of the shower, Buttercup practically pounced on me to come see her newest creation. She was so insistent that I had to go dripping wet in my towel to the living room to see the masterpiece. Apparently she had gotten into the utensil do-dad drawer in the kitchen and built some sort of modern art structure. These designs have become common occurences, along with Ella's little stashes of "treasures" that she gathers from around the house, and stores in special places. Today I took a picture to record the ever-too-fleeting moment (Lou Lou was on her way, carving a path of destruction).

This first picture is Buttercup's "tower" of the day. It consists of some kind of butter container balanced on the squeezer-thingy from a medicine dropper, with a measuring spoon balanced a top of that. Standing as pillars to her genius are the remains of two other medicine droppers. Hope nobody gets sick anytime soon.......

The second picture is just silly. Buttercup had these two baskets (along with their plunder), hidden under a dish towel, which she lifted reverently for me to see. Her treasures range from things that are harmless toys (such as the shoes and refrigerator magnets pictured here), to my very own jewelry she has snuck from my room.

I wonder what these tinkerings mean. Charming tinkers a lot too--but he gets that out of his system with cars. Does this mean Buttercup is going to be a mechanic? Please say you think she's going to be a world renouned architect.... What do you think?
Disclaimer: Buttercup dresses herself when we are not leaving the house. Do not judge me for her fashion choices.


Anonymous said...

I agree, I say architect...I can't wait to see all of the things Ella has hidden when we move...there's the missing bottle of milk.

Anonymous said...

Honestly reading your blog is the highlight of my day megs. Every time I read about Ella, she reminds me more and more of myself...remember my household of stashed treasures? Yes, we would have gotten along well as children. Also, I am backing you up on the fashion choices of Ella. She is ALWAYS darling when you leave the house. I am a witness!

Sofia Dowse said...

I wouldn't squash her fashion expression just yet. You never know what will be in style 20 years from now.