Thursday, January 15, 2009

My trip to the *cough cough* auto-mechanic--I mean... doctor

So today I went to the doctor for an issue I've been dealing with for some time. Actually, it's an issue that has been checked over by the doctor before, with tests done and the whole works. In my previous experience after my complete checkup I was told "Despite all of our high-tech expensive tests and procedures, we don't know what's wrong with you. But whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be hurting you too much so just deal with it".... or something that sounded a whole lot similar in my head.

The "issue/problem" has progressed recently and made me anxious (see previous post) so I went back to visit the doctor. Although apparently she had my entire medical history right there on a clip board in front of her, the nurse asked me all the same questions I had been asked previously and made me fill out a questionnaire I swear I had filled out the last time I graced their office. She then informed me that one of those expensive tests/procedures needed to be done, and after some protesting I gave in.

Finally the doctor came in and performed the expensive test/procedure, all while asking me the same questions the nurse had just asked 10 minutes before. Goodness, couldn't the woman have taken one minute to peek at the infamous clipboard that contains all my medical history during the 10 minute interval I had to sit in a very unappealing gown that was precariously velcroed together around.... around me?

At the completion of this expensive test/procedure the doctor said she was interested in performing yet another expensive test/procedure to just "take a peek" and see "what's going on". I informed the good doctor that that expensive test/procedure had already been done to me and with no interesting results. She smiled sweetly and informed me again that she'd "like to take a peek"--who knows, something might have changed! I sighed and traipsed over into the special room where I received the next expensive test/procedure.

Eventually I ended up back in the original room with the doctor, who informed me that my test came out perfect and there was nothing interesting to learn from it. I already knew that--see above. Seeing my frustration with her lack of helpful new information or ideas, she then suggested yet another previously performed expensive test/procedure. I again informed her that I had already had that expensive test/procedure and it had come out fine. She believed me. Yay!

With a sigh the doctor informed me that "Despite all of our high-tech expensive tests and procedures, we don't know what's wrong with you. But whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be hurting you too much so just deal with it. If the problem continues, please come back in a few months and we'll see what we can do." ...(or something that sounded a lot similar to that). Not on your life--I can definitely see a pattern forming here.

I drove home feeling like I had just been to the auto-mechanic (not that I've ever actually been to the auto-mechanic, that's Charming's job:P). I went in to have the specialists figure out what was wrong with one particular thing, and somehow I left with unnecessarily rotated tires and brand-new brakes! Do you ever feel like you get the whole run through at the doctor's office? Like they're not listening to what you're saying or interested in anything beyond their own limited ideas and expensive tests and procedures? So. Frustrated.


Jactionary said...

Ugh! I had the same thing happen to me with no resolution. I'm so sorry! Pat, pat, there, there. I love you even if your doctor is incompetent!

altamania said...

Okay, niece. I have been there more than once. I suggest you find another doctor who will listen to you. I know that may be tough in your area but you are your own advocate.

Just heard on the news that it was -44 there today. Brrrr, way to cold. Sorry

Anonymous said...

Gaah! I'm sorry! I hope insurance is footing the bulk of the expensive test/procedures!


Brittany said...

Yuck! SO frustrating! Hope something turns up for you...

megs said...

Thanks ya'll for your concern. I'm definitely working on the "being my own advocate thing". It is very difficult when your doctor rolls their eyes when you are trying to come up with ideas on your own, or ask for a referral.

Heidikins--luckily(?) I'm on Medicaid at the present, which will take care of all my bills. Otherwise I can't even imagine. I probably would never have gone to the doctor in the first place...

Dione said...

I feel your pain, this is the exact reason I hate going to the doctor...I feel like they never really do, or acctually diagnose anything, and they make your feel stupid all at the same time! It seems to me like the best bet is when you tell them all your theorys about what you think is going on, and then tell them what you want them to do about it. Also, its good to shop around for Dr's, there really must be some good ones out there! As far as the "take a peek" part, I know I still have alot more of that to go before the baby is born, but it is driving me crazy..they could at least make those gowns somewhat cute right?? I think I'll design some new ones for them!

Janette Rallison said...

Doctors drive me crazy! You forgot the most charming part--you know, where they make you wait in the waiting room for an hour. I especially love it when they make you come early to fill out paperwork so that you can wait even longer.

Hope things get better soon!

Mrs Ana said...

I've told you my story so you know how I feel about doctors. Sorry, that you have to go through the same thing. I am glad that I'm not the only crazy one!