I'm not talking about doing the twist or skipping through Ring Around the Rosie with my children. I'm talking about some serious booty-shaking, body-waving, come hither moves that have been sleeping dormant for years. Well tonight my "moves" sat right up out of bed, stretched and yawned, and headed out the door to get a PhD in..... nevermind.
I have never been ashamed to admit that I was an avid N'sync fan back in the day. My zeal for the group and all things teeny-bopper stretched as far as I was physically and legally aloud to go considering my financial situation, teenage status, and moral upbringing. (Just the sheer hottness of Taylor Hanson (from, you know--Hanson), prompted me to break up with a boyfriend because he just didn't "do it for me" the same way Taylor did....) It's hard to believe, but I probably listened to the same eight cd's during a five year period, and nothing else. I wanted nothing more and I was blissfully happy.

I believe deep down in every girl's soul there is a part of her that wants to break free and dance to The Backstreet Boys, or N'sync, or New Kids on the Block, or Donny Osmond--or whatever. Every generation has their celebrity boy toys. Nowadays girls freak out when Zac Efron busts out a note (who wouldn't with that constant, intense stare?), and my mom will break out "the swim", or worse--"the pony" when she hears the Osmonds. For years she has embarrassed me with her unabashed dance moves in her attempt to remember her youth and feel a little crazy and free again. My sisters and I would always cry with dismay to "Oh my gosh stop Mom, what are you DOING?!?!".
It was like a slap in the face tonight when I experienced the exact same thing. I thought I was young enough to still pass as cool when I danced--but to my children I am their mother, despite the fact that I am only twenty-five, and apparently they would like me to retain that title with dignity. Buttercup didn't like it. She said, "No Mama, don't do THAT!" (I think even Alex was a bit chagrined--I noticed how he tried to slyly close all the blinds so that the neighbors wouldn't see...) It was in that moment that I remembered my own mother dancing her heart out, kicking her feet around the room at odd angles to "The Pony", and I felt a stronger kinship with her that ever before. Yes, I still shudder a little when I picture her dancing away in the kitchen (sorry, Mom), but I know now where she's coming from, that she was young once--and still is in a lot of ways.
So bring on the music!!! HRH and Jaction, I know you'd be up for a good dance fest. Call all the girls and we'll move out all the furniture (like we did in college) and invite everyone in the building to stomp it out to Michael Jackson. If that can't be arranged, I'd settle for just my four sisters, in the kitchen and bottling tomatoes as we rock out to High School Musical or whatever. Just make sure it's a hott guy singing. (Or in Michael Jackson's case, a former hott guy.)
I could SO use a dance party right now. Our Michael Jackson dance-off was awesome. Why can't we time travel back to our Glenwood days, lock the door to hide from *someone* and dance out to NSYNC while we look at the poster I had hung on my wall before I threw it away! I need to dance! You go girl!
This has to be in your top 5 best posts ever. Hahaha...I feel the need to dance with you megs, and sing along with our ol' boys :) Let's not forget our lovely outing with nsync back in the day. Oh and Jaction, I totally remember your poster! Yeah! Megs, I will dance crazy with you next time we are together. You can count on it :)
I love it! We have a dance party around here at least weekly. My kids love it!!! They aren't embarassed of me-YET! I too was and am a Justin Timberlake and backstreet boys girl. I am not ashamed. I for one am glad that you're bringing sexyback.
I'm bringing sexyback? Ya baby....
Hey Megan,
Tammy asked if i had a blog the other day since all of you have a blog and I said yea. She also gave me your blog info. Hope you don't mind. I just have to say I love your blog. It makes me laugh. I'm totally with you about the boy band craze, and I have to admit my heaven would be very familiar to yours. I could get lost in a book very easily. In fact, all house work has come to a standstill sense I just barely discover the Twilight series (I know, I'm very slow.) Anyhow, hope all is well for you. Your girls are beautiful just like you. It fun seeing what all the cousins are up to. Talk to ya soon!
Two words: Dirty Pop.
oh my heavens megan!!! i loved the "come hither" part..... throughly amusing! mwah! lets do webcam soon :D
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