Friday, August 29, 2008

Please tell me my writing skills have improved

I was one of those kids who always wrote notes during class to my friends and then dropped them in their lockers in between classes. I can't remember all the nonsense they contained, but I look back at the correspondence fondly.

Today I recieved an email from longtime friend, HRH, who proceeded to type out for me the exact words and spelling of a note I wrote to her in the 9th grade! I figure it was 9th grade because of the subtle Titanic referrences--and I still know who the code name "Mr. Onion", belongs to. And no, I'm not going to tell you who Mr. Onion was.


HRH, (named changed to protect the innocent)

I decided to write you a note since I am bored. i am now in Advisary and just came from german. It was boring.

Mike Jackson told me that I was basically the whole soprano section today in concert choir. That means that I was wa to loud. Mr. Onion was there! He was going back and forth - I guess he was trying to figure out his schedule. He was looking fine today. Those eyes are so fine. With him around I could give up Leo any day.

I have the song (underlined) in my head. Near... Far... Where ever you are. I'll be missing you around 6th perios. But then I might not because Mr. Onion will be there. i think I'll miss you anyway thought!! :)

Heart/ megan


Mrs Ana said...

Way too funny! I love it!! Yes, your writing has improved tons!

Jactionary said...

This is hilarious. Who is Mr. Onion? I am SO curious.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Megan! That is so so funny. It probably is from ninth grade because that is how people my age act! Haha!

Heidi and Matt said...

Ha! That cracks me up! I used to do the same thing with my friends. I can't even imagine reading one now. Too Funny!!!

megs said...

rachy maree, thanks so much for liking my comment! I had to stand up for my Twilight principles... good to know someone else agrees.